Free & Confidential Fatherhood Program for Fathers of Any Age!

  • Learn Parenting & Co-Parenting Skills
  • Improve Child Development
  • Build Healthy Relationships with Family & Community

Empowering Men to Become Nurtures & Role Models for Strong Families!

Our fatherhood program offers education, training, and support to help men become the responsible, engaged, and empowered fathers their children need them to be. For more information, connect with us today!

A green logo with the words fatherhood coalition of america.
A man reading to his baby

1 Out of 4 Children in the United States Lives Without a Father in the Home.

What is a Father?

F stands for Foundation

Parenting is like building a house - you need a strong foundation. As a father, you have an opportunity to be the strong, steadfast foundation in your child's life.

A is for Awareness

Be aware of what is going on in your child's life, including their health, school, and interests. Your child wants to spend time with you and looks to you as a role model. Be aware of the example you are setting.

T is for Teach

One of the most important jobs of a father is to teach, guide, and instill proper values in his children so they have what they need to succeed in the future. Your children look to you as a leader.

H is for Health

With all the bustle around your developing child, it can be easy to forget that your own health is important, too. By taking care of your physical and mental health, you are modeling healthy habits for your child and doing your part to be around for your child's life longer.

E is for Engage

Children who have actively involved fathers are more likely to be successful in life! Be involved with your child early on, especially during the early days of their life, so that you can develop a strong bond with your child that lasts throughout their life.

R stands for Responsible and Resourceful

Raising a child is a great joy, and there are many responsibilities involved. It is important to be resourceful in what you have and to learn new skills so that you can support your family in many different ways.​