A woman holding up an ultrasound picture of her baby.

For more information about our programs click the links below.

Healthy Start provides support and education to pregnant women and infants to promote healthy pregnancies and babies.

Safe Futures provides evidence-based support by a nurse to pregnant women and new moms experiencing substance use.

The Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) is a multidisciplinary Case Review Team (CRT) that studies disidentified fetal & infant deaths and a Community Action Group (CAG) that recommends and takes action on case findings.

Nurse-Family Partnership uses a team of nurses to provide support and education services to first-time moms to promote healthy pregnancies and babies.

The T.E.A.M Dad program offers education, training, and support to help men become the responsible, engaged, and empowered fathers their children need them to be.

The DAD - U program is a structured two-hour group session that concentrates on fatherhood development and providing fathers with basic skills to become impactful members of their families.

Kamia Brown is a former state representative from Orange County who was successful in changing the

legislation to extend Medicaid for new mothers to 12 months postpartum. She is currently the Senior Director

for Healthcare Transformation at Sunshine Health. Watch Kamia provide insight on the importance of

promoting maternal health.